About Me.

Growing up, I moved through different countries and cultures. And, when I look back on the events that shaped me, I think of those major life shifts. They weren't always easy; in fact, they always came with its challenges. Yet, those are the moments when I truly grew and developed inner resilience.

The transitions that hold the most significance for me are the ones where I trusted my instincts, summoned the courage to pursue what was aligned with my values and committed. Moreover, the most fulfilling transition experiences occurred when I received the necessary support, allowing me to take charge of the process and navigate it with confidence.

My mission as Transition & Wellness Coach is to provide you with the supportive space, frameworks and tools and empower you to do the same – to tap into your inner wisdom and take meaningful action to create lasting change in your life. With over 7 years of experience in the social impact arena, I've witnessed firsthand the transformative power of individual agency. I firmly believe that when we align our actions with our true selves, we catalyse meaningful change within ourselves and in our society.

My background in the Social Impact and Wellness Space led me to become a Transition & Wellness Coach.

My professional journey has been as diverse as my upbringing, spanning roles in impactful initiatives like mymizu, Japan's award-winning first free refill app, working with world leaders and scholars at UNU, the United Nations' think-tank and academic arm to address complex challenges through international cooperation and most recently, was a consultant at Fabric, a design consultancy working with upcoming startups in the realm of sustainability and health to Fortune 500 companies like L'Oréal as well as schools to help them transition towards innovative and sustainable futures.

Through it all, I've come to realise the paramount importance of our individual wellbeing and self-actualisation. Without alignment with our values and inner selves, our ability to contribute to our communities and society becomes unsustainable.

I also support changemakers nurture their wellness habits and growth at WellC, an online holistic wellness community.

I've come to realise is that creating your own path becomes so much more powerful when you could go through that journey with individuals that share your mission.

That's why I'm committed to not only coaching clients one-on-one but also fostering holistic wellness through an online community, WellC as their Coach and Strategic Community Designer supporting kind, creative changemakers nurture their wellness habits and growth.

As seen in

I offer a judgment-free, safe space where authenticity and trust flourish.

Drawing from my multicultural background – having lived in France, Canada, and Japan – creating a safe space free of judgment comes naturally to me. With a BA in Sociology from the University of British Columbia, I also bring a deep understanding of human behaviour and social dynamics to my coaching practice, enabling me to address systemic challenges with empathy and insight.

My clients are drawn to coaching by a shared desire for a meaningful and authentic life, a journey I'm continually engaged in as a lifelong student. Whether working and collaborating with like-minded individuals from a quaint surf town in Japan or experimenting in my kitchen with herbs, spices and fermentation foods, I find joy and gratitude in moments of discovery and growth and I am committed to helping others lead their journey too.